Kahramanoğulları İnşaat

has been giving you the best service since 1990.
Completed Projects
You can examine many completed projects such as the housing project, public buildings, hospitals, educational facilities that Kahramanoğulları has completed under this category.
Ongoing Projects
You can examine many ongoing projects such as Kahramanoğulları construction´s ongoing housing project, public buildings, hospitals, educational facilities under this category.
Amount of Rental Allowance by City
What are the documents required to apply for housing allowance? In order to receive this assistance, the building where the owner or tenant is located must be found risky by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.
Banks Signing a Protocol with the Ministry of Environment and Urbaniza
Banks that have signed a protocol with our Ministry regarding the interest support to be provided by the beneficiaries on the loans to be used from banks within the scope of the Law No. 6306 on "Transformation of Areas Under Disaster Risk"
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